Fauré : Après un rêve (after a dream) – Piano Solo –

3月 12, 2021

I wondered what kind of dream could make him write such a sweet and bitter song. He must have dreamt a dream that shouldn't be a dream.
I found out that Fauré was very depressed when he wrote this song because his fiancée called off the engagement.
I played the arrangement that Arturo Luzzatti made which is faithful to the original version of this song.
Please enjoy.
歌曲である原曲に忠実な、Arturo Luzzattiによるピアノ編曲版の演奏です。お楽しみください。
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원곡인 가곡에 충실한, Arturo Luzzatti에 의한 피아노 편곡을 연주했습니다.